Turkish honour, to which an assassin refers, has nothing to do with Western honour, which one feels when one receives a ribbon from the mayor for merit to the community, receives high visitors or makes a promise. The somewhat old-fashioned sounding word expresses a very positive, distinguished, uplifting feeling. As a rule, the honour is earned: one honours a scientist for his research or a politician for his efforts for peace.
In the Turkish-Islamic culture on the other hand, the good name is not earned, but defended. Seyran Ateş, one of the most prominent German women's rights activists from Turkey, also points out in her book The Multicultural Error the completely different meaning: 'Whoever hears namus in a Turkish context usually does not associate something positive with it, but a burden, something that needs to be protected and for which people are prepared to give their lives, something that they can lose very quickly and lose their right to exist. For he who does not defend his honour becomes a namussuz adam, a man without honour. This is "the worst thing that can happen to a Turk".
The Turkish woman on the other hand - especially when she is young - is not seen as an independent being. Her function is to carry the honour of the whole family, including aunts and uncles. Therefore, all clan members have the right (and the duty) to constantly interfere in the life of the woman in the name of defending honour. In this way, honour becomes an instrument of total control.It promotes the supervision and the indictment.
Because the clan's honor, which the woman wears, consists of her sexual abstinence. She must be a virgin before marriage and then remain faithful. That sounds conservative at first. But a single word, a single glance can tarnish the clan's honour. This means that a father can lock up his daughter for wearing her hair loose or not following the general rules of the family. A man can beat up his wife if she contradicts him or because he thinks she has looked too long at the cashier in the supermarket. A brother can shoot his sister because he thinks she's too western or just because she doesn't want to wear a headscarf.
The German Federal Police assesses honour as a motive for violent crimes as follows: "The focus of the discussion on motives and cultural backgrounds was partly very superficially on Islam and Turkey as the country of origin of the perpetrators (and the victims). A further analysis of the reliable police data, however, shows that the phenomenon of so-called honour killings is rather caused by the rigid roots in pre-modern agricultural economic and social structures and the associated extreme patriarchal understanding of the family that continued to exist after migration. - In patriarchal family structures, the understanding of the role of women is partly linked to oppression and extreme regulation, where the male head of the family and the male family members see themselves as the guardians of the family honour". Simply put, honour is not a part of religion, but an instrument of power of the man against the woman.