Questions about honour killing

What's honour?

When is a murder an honour killing?

What distinguishes honour killings from "normal" relational killings

How many honour killings are there?

There are no reliable figures on honour killings in the world. Not every honor killer reveals his true motive. In many trials, a motive for honour is not investigated and not mentioned. Girls and women are taken abroad, murdered and reported missing. Or they are driven to suicide.

There are also questionable cases, for example when a killer gives an honour motive, but is later declared mentally disturbed.

This archive contains the honour killings we find. Consequently: The more we search, the more we find. The less we search, the less we find. This also applies to other "studies". The claim that one knows how much honour killings exist somewhere, has more to do with removing or causing unrest. Figures on honour killings should be treated with caution.

For the year 2018 can be found in this archive:
Honor killings in Germany 2018: 39 Attempted murder: 46 (+ 4 unborn children)
But these figures are provisional. Many cases can only be found when the trial is opened or when a decision is made. Some murders are never solved.

Among the perpetrators: 12 come from Turkey, 10 from Afghanistan, 16 from Syria, including 2 Palestinians. Another Palestinian, who has been in Germany for a long time, does not know where he comes from. There are 4 offenders from Iraq, 2 of them Kurdish Yezidi. From Iran there are 4 perpetrators. 2 perpetrators each come from Kenya, Egypt, Albania and Bulgaria. Probably 2 perpetrators come from Roma families. One offender each comes from Russia, Kazakhstan, Bosnia, Serbia, Croatia, Libya, Tanzania, Eritrea, Somalia, Tunisia and Algeria. One double killer each comes from Niger and Mozambique. The origin of 7 perpetrators is unclear.

That's for reference only. It can be assumed that some perpetrators do not tell the truth about their origins. More cases will be added in the course of 2020.

For the year 2017 you will find in this archive:
Honor killings in Germany 2017: 56 (+ 3 unborn children) Attempted murder: 47 (+ 1 unborn child)
For the perpetrators: 15 come from Turkey, 18 from Afghanistan, 16 from Syria, 9 from Iraq, 5 from Albania and 5 from Serbia. 2 offenders each come from Kenya, Egypt, Albania and Bulgaria. Probably 2 offenders come from Roma families. One offender each comes from Russia, Kazakhstan, Bosnia, Serbia, Croatia, Libya, Tanzania, Eritrea, Somalia, Tunisia and Algeria. One double killer each comes from Niger and Mozambique. The origin of 7 perpetrators is unclear.

That's for reference only. It can be assumed that some perpetrators do not tell the truth about their origins. More cases will be added in the course of 2019.
How many children are affected by honour killings in Germany is hard to say. In some cases it is not known or the number is not mentioned. However, more than 140 children are certainly for the year 2017.

How many perpetrators are Roma is also unclear, in one case it is certain, in the other it can be suspected. In at least 4 cases the perpetrator is Yezide.

These numbers can change, sometimes we find a case only after years.

For the year 2016 can be found in this archive:
Honor killings in Germany 2016: 41 (+ 4 unborn children) Attempted murder: 38 (+ 1 unborn child)
At the perpetrators: Among the perpetrators are 8 Syrians, one of them throws 3 children out the window. From Turkey there are 15, including one who stabbed 3 sisters, from Afghanistan 11, including a double murderer. From Iraq there are 7 perpetrators, 2 of them Yezidi. One killer each comes from India, Brazil, Uzbekistan, Tunisia, Togo, Congo, Cameroon, Nigeria, Azerbaijan, Chechnya, Egypt, Pakistan and Lebanon. Two perpetrators are from Morocco. Another double murderer comes from Mauritius. Six perpetrators are from Albania. Two perpetrators are from Serbia, including a Roma. Three are from Iran. In 3 cases the nationality is not clear.

Compared to previous years, the flow of refugees will lead to a significant increase in the number of Syrian perpetrators from 2015 onwards.

For comparison:

For the year 2015 you will find in this archive
Honor killings in Germany 2015: 25 (+ 1 unborn child, 1 further pregnancy is unconfirmed) Attempted murder: 14 (+ 1 unborn child)
At the perpetrators: 6 perpetrators are from Iraq, in addition a double murderer (Yazidi) and an offender from the border area between Turkey and Iraq (probably Kurds, probably Yazidi). In addition to this case, there are 13 perpetrators from Turkey and 3 others whose origin is unclear, but who are probably Turkish. One of the perpetrators, who murdered his daughter, comes from Pakistan, in case of an attempted murder the perpetrator is probably Pakistani with a British passport. One perpetrator comes from Sri Lanka, one from India, one from the Ivory Coast, one from Kenya, one from Jordan, one from Lebanon, the last two (presumably) Palestinians. There are 3 offenders from Syria, 4 from Afghanistan, and in one case the offender is probably a Roma from Bulgaria. In one case the origin is completely unclear.

According to a United Nations study, there are about 5000 honour killings worldwide each year, 300 of which take place in Turkey. The number of unreported cases is significantly higher, up to 100,000 murders per year. The country with the highest rate of honour killings is probably Pakistan.

Should honour killings be called honour killings?

An honour killing is a murder in the name of honour. When a brother murders his sister to restore family honour, it's an honour killing.

Some say not to use the word honour killing. It would mean the murder had a positive motive.

But the Turkish (Moroccan, Serbian, Iraqi ...) honor is not a positive characteristic. In conservative Muslim communities, honor legitimizes the rule of the man over the woman, the rule of the family/clan over the individual. This honour must be defended, whatever it costs. It has nothing to do with the beautiful western sense of honour that you experience when you receive a prize or are honoured for something.

Therefore, it is important to refer to honour killing as such. They are crimes in the name of family honour. If you understand the pattern, you can better identify them. For example: Knowing that honour killings are often planned by the clan, the police may ask specifically about the entourage of the perpetrator during the investigation. Or: If a girl is to be protected from an honour killing, the security measures should be much more extensive than in the case of a threat by a single perpetrator.

That's why honour killing is the right term for a certain kind of relational act. In German, murders in the name of honour are also called "Ehrenmord", in the Netherlands eerwraak and in Turkish cinayetleri.