Honour killing story
born: 1971
Attempted murder: 17 April 2018
Place of residence: Berlin
Origin: Turkey
Children: several
Perpetrator: her father (at act 75 y.)
born: 1971
Attempted murder: 17 April 2018
Place of residence: Berlin
Origin: Turkey
Children: several
Perpetrator: her father (at act 75 y.)
Dilara is 47 years old, has several children and works as a saleswoman in a shopping mall in Berlin-Gropiusstradt. She wants to leave her husband. Her father sees this as a violation of family honor. He may have chosen her husband.
On April 17, 2018, he stabbed his daughter in the shopping center during her lunch break. Dilara goes to the hospital, undergoes emergency surgery and survives. The father is overwhelmed by witnesses and detained, then arrested by the police.
The trial at the Berlin Criminal Court begins in October 2018. Dilara is not the real name of the woman.
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