Honour killing story

Anna S.
born: 1982
stabbed: 20. August 2018
Place of residence: Düsseldorf
Origin: Victim: Germany; Perpetrator: Iran
Children: probably none
Perpetrator: Ali Akbar Shahghaleh (at act 44 y.)
Ali is Iranian and has been in Germany since 2001. On August 20, 2018 he knocks down Anna in front of her door early in the morning. Then he stabs her.

Witnesses are tracking the perpetrator. He also threatens them with a knife and escapes.

A witness calls the ambulance. Anna dies in the hospital. Officials open the offender's apartment, but he is not there.

Ali's profession is indicated with kiosk employee, Anna's with event planner. On the relationship between the two: They were probably not a couple, but knew each other. Ali has harassed Anna and perhaps stalked her. He is mentally handicapped.

The perpetrator cannot be found at first. Also file number XY unsolved searches for him. About 10 days later Ali is arrested by the Spanish police in Seville. He has a train ticket to Valencia with him. Since he riots in the Spanish prison, he is flown back to Germany by private jet. On September 18, he lands in Düsseldorf.

Geplaatst in Honour killing, Innovation, Investigation en getagd met , , , .