Police Zeist under pressure: suspicion of covering up honour killing at the fire murder of Narges Achikzei

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In the case of honour killings, it is inevitable that statements are made with an emphasis on restoring 'honour'; that does not mean that all statements are true. We have put 200 contradictory statements about the Zeist fire murder in a diagram. Officially, the fire murder of Narges Achikzei is a murder without a motive, because judges have rejected the fabricated jealousy motive. On the basis of our investigation, this is a case of honour killing that corrupt Police Zeist has covered up.
Narges Achikzei is a victim of a love rival because everyone says so and because honour killing has been contradicted by her family and friends.

Narges Achikzei is a victim of honour killing because she did not want to marry the Afghan man the parents had chosen for her.

Narges Achikzei had major problems with her family and friends' legal extortion campaign against her former employer.

Narges Achikzei had planned an appointment with an anonymous Public Prosecutor to discuss her criminal case.

Geplaatst in Dutch authorities, Innovation, Investigation, Murder Narges Achikzei, Whistleblower en getagd met , , , , , .