Honor killings are always pre-announced, everyone in Narges Achikzei’s environment is aware that a dangerous game has been played with the freedom of choice of her spouse at stake. Narges was well aware of the risks. The timeline made in all honesty by her ex-boss Ralph Geissen is particularly painful for the corrupt and failing authorities who have no difficulty whatsoever in concealing 60+ declarations, an honor killing, human rights violations and probably many other violations which cannot bear the light of day. With blood on their hands notorious Dutch detectives swore in the media that there was absolutely no evidence for an honor killing and that the legal conflict of the women burned alive had nothing to do with Islam.In front of the judges, however, the Public Prosecutor remained silent about all the legal intricacies surrounding Narges Achikzei, because that story clearly did not fit in with their favourite fictional motive: a crime passionel committed by MDNDR021 of her own free will because of her love for the infamous scammer/ extortionist Haroen Mehraban. Provenly dishonest Public Prosecutor Mr. Rob van Noort furthermore falsely accused the executor MDNDR021 of not wanting to give any insight into her motivation for her horrific act and therefore pleaded on behalf of Narges Achikzei’ family for an extra severe sentence.
Afghan woman burned alive. A cover-up. A timeline.
Geplaatst in Dutch authorities, Innovation, Investigation, Murder Narges Achikzei, Whistleblower en getagd met burned alive, cover-up, MDNDR021, narcostate the netherlands, narges achikzei, nargesgate, renounce, shame.