Honour killing story
born: 1985
stabbed to death: 16. April 2017
Place of residence: Mainz
Origin: Egypt
Children: 2 daughters
Perpetrator: her husband (at act 34 y.)
born: 1985
stabbed to death: 16. April 2017
Place of residence: Mainz
Origin: Egypt
Children: 2 daughters
Perpetrator: her husband (at act 34 y.)
For over a year now, the Egyptian family of four has been living in an apartment building in Mainz. One daughter is 12 years old, goes to grammar school, the other to kindergarten.
On Easter Sunday 2017 the father stabs the mother. She dies in the apartment. Another married couple (44 and 45 y.) is also seriously injured and goes to the hospital. The daughters are with neighbours during the crime.
The family's asylum application was previously rejected. The community collected signatures because the family was well integrated, which presumably applies to woman and daughters. Sina is not the woman's real name.
In October the trial before the Regional Court of Mainz begins. In the same month an accommodation in the psychiatry is ordered.
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