Honour killing story

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Gudrun B.
born: 1941
stabbed to death: 20 December 2016
Residence: Unterwellenborn (Thuringia)
Origin: Victim: Germany; Perpetrator: Turkey
Children: her granddaughter Verena (26 years) and her daughter are seriously injured
Perpetrator: Emrah Mutlu (35 years.), ex-husband of her granddaughter Verena
Emrah was born in Istanbul and works in a hotel as a DJ. Verena meets a man, who is 9 years older, on holiday in Turkey. An affair develops. Verena becomes pregnant. After the wedding in December 2015 Emrah comes to Thuringia. Their daughter is born in July 2016. A little later Verena wants to get divorced, she may move in with her grandmother or she lives in the house of her grandmother Gudrun.

On 20 December 2016, Emrah stabbed his wife, grandmother and daughter. More than 60 knife stitches will be counted later.

75-year-old Gudrun dies at the scene of the crime, which the police say is "in and in front of the house". The two seriously injured - mother and baby - are taken to hospital. The perpetrator flees, a manhunt is started, later also in public.

Three days after the crime, Emrah is arrested at a resting place near Duisburg. Presumably he wanted to leave for the Netherlands, possibly to escape by ship.

There are several ongoing investigations against Emrah. He was already violent against Verena and her grandmother. In August 2017 the trial starts at the Gera Regional Court. In November the perpetrator is sentenced to life imprisonment.

Geplaatst in Honour killing, Innovation, Investigation, Turkey en getagd met , , , , .