Honour killing story
Andreea O.
born: 1989
murdered: June 5, 2015
Location: Brandenburg an der Havel
Origin: Romania / possible Roma
Children: 1 son, 1 daughter (4 and 10 years)
Perpetrator: her ex-boyfriend Viorel N. (32 years)
born: 1989
murdered: June 5, 2015
Location: Brandenburg an der Havel
Origin: Romania / possible Roma
Children: 1 son, 1 daughter (4 and 10 years)
Perpetrator: her ex-boyfriend Viorel N. (32 years)
Andreea sells the homeless newspaper for a supermarket in Brandenburg an der Havel. However, she is not homeless, but has an apartment (unclear) where she lives with her friend Viorel. Her two children live with her grandmother in Bacau, Romania. Whether Viorel is the father is unclear.
Andreea's daughter is 10 years old, which would mean that the mother got her when she was 16. This could be a reference to a Roma family, which the case with the homeless newspaper could also point to. There are also indications of domestic violence, including death threats.
In April 2015 Andreea kicks her boyfriend out of the apartment. He then sleeps in a tent on the station. He has already served 6 years in prison in Romania for attempted murder. Meanwhile he is in psychiatry and in Romania.
On June 5, Viorel will go to the supermarket where his ex-girlfriend sells the newspaper for the homeless. He slit her throat. Supermarket staff call the police. Construction workers arrest the perpetrator, who is arrested at the crime scene. Andreea bleeds to death.
There is nothing to be found about the process.
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