Testimony 234 in Narges Achikzei murder case
Unbelievable that Ralph Geissen still gets a podium on websites like this.
Geissen is frustrated and constantly harassing people and living in a delusional world. He should stop with these kinds of conspiracy theories.
Very unusual that he is also insulting about a deceased woman. Geissen was in love with her and unfortunately was never able to find a good partner in his life. He went bankrupt due to his own fault and cannot cope with this properly.
Very bad for all relatives that he is doing this.
Maybe he can once again write to all kinds of politicians, investigative agencies, websites to once again prove him wrong.
@Korterink. Why are you giving him a stage if you don't agree either.
Brandmoord Narges Achikzei. Een doofpot. Een tijdlijn.
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