Honour killing story
Leyla and her unborn child
born: 1976
murdered: 15 January 2017
Place of residence: Bremen-Vegesack
Origin: Kurds Victim: Syria; perpetrator: Turkey
Children: she was pregnant
Perpetrator: her husband Ali (at act 39 y.)
born: 1976
murdered: 15 January 2017
Place of residence: Bremen-Vegesack
Origin: Kurds Victim: Syria; perpetrator: Turkey
Children: she was pregnant
Perpetrator: her husband Ali (at act 39 y.)
Ali has been living in Germany for 20 years and since the end of 2015 has been married to a Syrian woman who is pregnant from him. The child is to be born at the beginning of February 2017. Shortly before the birth, however, the expectant mother moves in with her sister.
When Leyla goes back to her apartment on the morning of January 15th to get some things, her husband kills her. Neighbours call the police.
The emergency services cannot save her lives and that of the unborn child. Ali is arrested at the scene of the crime.
The correct names are not yet known, not even whether other children live in that family.
In November 2017 the offender is sentenced to 9 years imprisonment by the Bremen Regional Court for manslaughter and abortion.
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