Testimony 102 out of 225 in the murder case Narges Achikzei

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There is no doubt that Ralph G. has been convicted four time because of his false accusations. He wrongly accused Narges and Haroen of scams and put many lies about them on the internet. For this reason, Raph G. was eventually declared bankrupt, but we see that even our Supreme Court in the Netherlands is not able to stop an internet nuisance handler. Ralph G. keeps going, even now, after the death of Narges. They stayed engaged for 6 years because they were both students and it is not easy for the students to save money for a house and for their dream wedding. There can therefore be no question of forced marriage or honour killing.

Geplaatst in Dutch authorities, Innovation, Investigation, Murder Narges Achikzei, Whistleblower en getagd met , , , , , , .