Father planned daughter's murder together with son in Germany
Born: 2006
Trial: January 2023
Residence: Augsburg
Origin: Yazidi / probably Iraq
Children: none
Perpetrator: her father (44 years old at the time of the crime)
Born: 2006
Trial: January 2023
Residence: Augsburg
Origin: Yazidi / probably Iraq
Children: none
Perpetrator: her father (44 years old at the time of the crime)
No, this is not an honor killing. But the story exposes the issues of honor killings and parallel society well and is worth telling.
A 16-year-old Yazidi girl has fallen in love with a Muslim Turk. Her family decides to kill her. The father is 44, the son 23; they want to make it look like a suicide. The daughter is forced to write a suicide letter.
The girl seeks protection from the child welfare agency and is placed under supervision. The violence against her began when she was 12 years old, that is, when she entered puberty.
In May 2022, the father is asked for an interview at Bureau of Youth Services. There he says, "I will cut off her head. And if I can't do it, there are 500 other Yazidis who will do it for me." Note: Chopping off the head is more "Sharia" than Yazidi. The origin of the family is unknown; Yazidis usually come from Iraq, Syria or Turkey.
In January 2023, the trial for threats and numerous physical and mental assaults begins at the Augsburg District Court.
Let's make a list: Killing one's own daughter, family violence, chopping off heads, planning in the family, no respect for the girl's or woman's rights, contempt for German law and the determined idea that by killing one's daughter one was doing something good, namely restoring family honor - these are typical aspects of an honor killing.
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