Report on femicide in Iran (2022)

On International Women's Day, launched its first annual report. The 191 documented cases of femicide in 2022 equals 1 femicide every 36 hours. It is believed that the actual femicide rate is much higher than 600.

In about 20% of the cases, the perpetrators used their "bare hands" to kill the victims. The killers beat these girls and women to death, strangled them with their bare hands or threw them off buildings.

Family conflicts and quarrels (55% of cases) are the main excuses cited by the perpetrators to kill women. A closer look reveals that some murders stem from tragically mundane events.

In 20 cases, the victims' own children witnessed the femicide and brutal killing methods. For example, last November in Khorasan, a man allegedly beat his wife to death while his five children were in the house and then went to lunch with them.

While information on criminal investigations into documented acts of femicide is often lacking, numerous reports show that perpetrators were not charged at all or received minimal sentences.

Read the full 2022 report with detailed analyses at,

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İnsan hakları aktivistleri, her yıl 100.000 namus cinayetinin işlendiğine inanıyor, bunların çoğu yetkililere bildirilmiyor ve hatta bazıları, örneğin faillerin yerel polisler, yetkililer veya politikacılarla iyi arkadaş olması nedeniyle yetkililerin kendileri tarafından kasıtlı olarak örtbas ediliyor. . Pakistan, Hindistan, Afganistan, Irak, Suriye, İran, Sırbistan ve Türkiye'de kız çocuklarına ve kadınlara yönelik şiddet ciddi bir sorun olmaya devam ediyor.

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