Honour killing story

born: 1996
strangled: 14 May 2016
Location: Wuppertal
Origin: Nigeria
Children: one baby (3 months)
Perpetrator: her boyfriend Austin E. (20 years)
On May 14, 2016, Austin from Nigeria breaks some ribs of his girlfriend's and strangles her with bare hands in her apartment. He leaves her 3 month old baby next to her.

The neighbors hear the screams and call the police. The cops break the door open. The baby was probably malnourished for 24 hours, but survived.

The baby belongs to another man.

Austin is arrested 2 weeks later. His age is indicated as 20 years, perhaps doubts are justified. In this case he would probably still be convicted under juvenile justice.

The trial starts in January 2017 at the court of Wuppertal for the murder of the mother and attempted murder. Austin remains silent. Lisa is not the real name of the woman. She is - just like the perpetrator - an asylum seeker from Nigeria.

In March, Austin is sentenced under adult criminal law to 13 years in prison for manslaughter and attempted murder of the baby.

Geplaatst in Attempted murder, Honour killing, Innovation, Investigation en getagd met , , , , .